Super-regulator concerned about conduct that 'puts short-term financial gain above clients' interests and duty to the court'.
The auto industry has a unique opportunity to enhance trust with consumers by taking responsibility for safeguarding consumer data.
"It is widely accepted that emotional regulation is not an inborn trait but a learned skill that parents and caregivers can actively teach children. It’s a worthwhile investment." ...
To deal with emotions, Adams recommends students learn to talk about concepts such as empathy, compassion, grit, and self-management.
The lag between the drop in CBR and the lowering of interest rates by banks points to a historical challenge, whereby lenders have had to be threatened with regulation before passing such benefits ...
Few subjects engross historians as much as the origins of the modern self. Selfhood, of course, has always existed, but the modern, Western self is usually understood—in the words of the ...
The German Broadband Association (Breko), for example, warns against a "one size fits all" approach. "Scaling back regulation would have serious negative consequences in Germany, where the ...
The issue has recently been addressed by our critical article which calls for a revision of the EC Regulation No. 589/2008 in a science-based manner by paying paramount attention to the consumer ...
Regulation T is a collection of provisions that govern investors' cash accounts and the amount of credit that brokerage firms and dealers may extend to customers for the purchase of securities.
including regulation of self-renewal and multipotency via changes in signaling and gene expression. As one example, higher FAO activity in stem cells could lead to an increase in acetyl-CoA that can ...
In a national representative adolescent sample, 46.9% of the participants (N = 1,646 ... analyses showed that all the putatively maladaptive emotion regulation strategies (including self-blame, other ...
What we love about it, take Omada as an example, there are many others ... you’ll get to the future that was outlined here … without regulation? So you have two choices: You can self-regulate or let ...