The live birth rate was lower for women with low odds for IVF success when all embryos were frozen and transferred later than ...
Frozen embryo transfer is associated with a lower live birth rate compared with fresh embryo transfer among women with ...
Fresh embryo transfer may be a better option than the use of frozen embryos for women with a low chance of having a healthy baby by in vitro fertilization (IVF), suggests a trial from China published ...
Fresh embryo transfer may be a better option than use of frozen embryos for women with a low chance of having a healthy baby by vitro fertilization (IVF), suggests a trial from China published by The ...
With continued work in the future, the team hopes to promote live births of endangered marsupial species, including Tasmanian ...
The frozen embryo group also had a lower rate of pregnancy than the fresh embryo group - 39% (164 of 419) v 47% (197 of 419) - and a lower cumulative live birth rate after further embryo transfers ...
Scientists in Australia have successfully produced the world’s first kangaroo embryo through in vitro fertilization, or IVF, a feat they hailed as a “ground-breaking achievement” that could ...
For the first time, scientists have been able to produce kangaroo embryos through in-vitro fertilization (IVF), an important milestone in being able to replicate this across hundreds of species of ...
In the future, though, they hope to be able to freeze marsupial embryos and transfer them to living females. When the mothers give birth, they’ll be “reintroducing those genetics that ...
"In the future, potentially, we can transfer these embryos into female animals for then reintroducing those genetics that otherwise will be lost," he said. The breakthrough was achieved through ...
In this randomized controlled trial, the fresh embryo transfer group had a higher rate of live births compared to the frozen ...