It’s the most prominent in a rising network of social-credit-score systems in China that are dramatically expanding the concept of creditworthiness—and raising fears internationally about ...
according to the South China Morning Post’s interview with its president, Shi Yanying. The company launched a social credit rating app called Unictown, which gives its users a credit score ...
According to state media, the “Beijing Municipal Action Plan for Further Optimising the Business Environment” will monitor both individuals and companies’ financial credit and personal ...
The second half introduces the latest policy innovation in China, the Social Credit system—a private sector-inspired innovation (e.g., think Uber ratings) in which citizens are awarded points for good ...
In China, the state is using a combination ... number of cars owned and size of property – as well as a unique social-credit score. In time, the score will incorporate many factors ...
of how to use social credit scores." China's so-called "social credit" system has drawn substantial criticism in the West. Beijing's end goal is to establish a master database, a blacklisting ...
In the same way that banks use credit scoring to assess potential customers, China's communist government ... banks together and come up with a social credit score," warns Gerd Gigerenzer of ...
China has announced to introduce a rating system by ... The biggest misconception in western media is that it is conflating the two systems: the commercial credit score systems and the Social Credit ...
China has announced to introduce a rating system by 2020, which measures and expresses the social behaviour of citizens and companies ... Finally, there are private credit scores, with Alibaba’s ...