As for the claims that salt water helps “detox” your body, Young points out that your kidneys rid the body of toxins, and it ...
Eating too much ultraprocessed food can be bad for us, yet they can be so hard to resist because they’re hyper-palatable.
A new study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, which analyzed people's sleep habits in relation to their ...
We’ve known for some time that many chronic conditions are exacerbated by excess sodium intake. A new study links overuse of ...
A new report from the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) reveals that sodium/salt consumption levels in the Caribbean ...
Japan’s salt reduction efforts have lowered sodium intake over decades, but levels remain high, prompting economic modeling ...
Potassium chloride is a compound found in many low-sodium salt substitutes, says registered dietitian Natalie Rizzo, TODAY's ...
Cardiovascular diseases are rising due to factors like stress and diet. Reducing sodium intake and increasing potassium ...
Most of us eat too much salt. We may not use the salt shaker, but we eat out too often and we eat too many processed and ...
Are you battling high blood pressure? There are a few changes you might want to consider making in terms of your diet.