Library and leisure centre staff in a city will not be cut and opening hours will not be affected despite the operator facing ...
Martin Hill, leader of Lincolnshire County Council, which owns the centre, said the authority hoped to reach an agreement to ...
Shropshire Council is considering changes to the way it provides some of its leisure services in a bid to save more money.
The number of people becoming members of Pendle Council leisure centres and gyms has risen recently which demonstrates the ...
The limited company behind the beloved children's play centre in Southampton owed over £2million when it filed for ...
Residents can have their say on updated designs for a new sports centre. Stevenage Borough Council is inviting feedback on revised plans for the new facility, which will feature a swimming pool, ...
Hillsborough construction company GRAHAM has won a multimillion pound contract to build a new leisure centre in Ballycastle.
A contractor has been appointed by Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council to deliver the new Ballycastle Leisure Centre.
The Western Downs Regional Council say the appointment a new operating partner for their six aquatic centre facilities in ...
Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council has chosen John Grama Construction as main contractor to build the new Ballycastle ...
The Better Gym Gymnastics Centre joins a range of leisure facilities at Festival Leisure Park, including Hollywood Bowl, Mr Mulligans and 360 Play.
Swimming pools at two leisure centres in Cumbria will temporarily close for three weeks to allow for £1million investment works to take place.