What the government refers to as “Anomalous Health Incidents,” Havana syndrome ... Turner is well regarded by the intelligence community’s leadership and many in its analytic cadres, his de ...
Pas facile d’être ado ou jeune adulte. C’est une période de changement, de découverte de soi et de questionnements. La littérature peut s’avérer une bonne amie, une façon de se sentir accompagné. Elle ...
What the government refers to as "Anomalous Health Incidents," Havana syndrome ... Turner is well regarded by the intelligence community's leadership and many in its analytic cadres, his de ...
As a quick recap, imposter syndrome is when you don’t feel you deserve the success you’ve achieved, despite your skills and results proving otherwise. Aisha Turner executive producer for MSNBC ...
u.washington.edu Is the prognosis for females with Turner syndrome mosaic for a triple X cell line substantially different from that for females with 45,X? Does the presence of a third, normal 46,XX ...
radboudumc.nl Background Women with Turner syndrome (TS) are at increased risk of aortic dissection, which is related to ascending aortic diameter. However, the relation between aortic diameter and ...
ohsu.edu Girls and women with Turner syndrome are at risk for catastrophic aortic dissection and rupture, but the clinical profile for those at risk is not well described. In addition to reporting two ...
Correspondence to Professor Yoon-Ho Hong, Neurology, Neuroscience Research Institute, Medical Research Council, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul Metropolitan Government Boramae ...