After searching the web for such a project and trying many of them, he decided to build his own detector based on an induction loop. As you may have guessed, this kind of detector works by ...
and an extensive amount of documentation is available on this if you want to try to roll out your own inductive loop vehicle detector. Of course, this isn’t the only way to detect a vehicle’s ...
Traffic on Twin Cities metropolitan area freeways continues to increase, with the percentage of miles of freeway system congested increasing from 21.1 percent in 2014 to 23.4 percent in 2015, ...
Residents in Redding can expect traffic control for the next several weeks while crews work to complete the Caltrans Pavement Loop Detectors Project. Redding Public Works said that the project ...
This project will be comprised of resurfacing the asphalt street, traffic signal loop detector repairs and pavement markings.