CogniFit is an intensive brain training app that helps boost short-term memory along with other abilities like focus and ...
For the past year, I've been commuting for about an hour every day. And over that time, I find myself coming back to the same ...
The mental focus of a true champion is that if you win, you train the next day. And if you lose, you train the next day. It's ...
Getting stuck in the same old routine is the enemy of making new memories. In a bid to abate time’s relentless pace, Helen ...
When in doubt, remember that cozy gaming should leave you feeling better than you did before. "The activities should be fun, ...
Playing with these computerized blocks may result in using areas of your brain that are more efficient rather than continuing ...
Freeze dance is another theater game that can be used as a brain break. This movement break can be as long or as short as you ...
Research has also shown that playing games with colleagues positively impacts team cohesion and performance, even on a ...
‘Brain rot’—the 2024 Oxford Word of the Year—describes the potential mental decline caused by spending way too many hours on your phone or computer. If you’ve ever surfaced from an hours ...
On the flip side, swapping out processed meats for plant-based proteins like nuts, beans, or tofu reduced dementia risk by 19 ...