When the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783, he considered abdicating. In many ways, George ruled England as he did the colonies, with punishment meted out for perceived disloyalty. In 1760 he ...
President Trump's second Administration has begun. And one of his most memorable goals mentioned during the 2024 Campaign, is ...
World leaders, senior ministers and key figures in climate diplomacy have, one by one, reaffirmed their commitment to the ...
Treaty signed in 1977 was amended by the US Senate in 1978 Presence of Chinese firms near the canal at center of dispute US officials say toll increases impact US disproportionately Jan 31 ...
The 2015 Paris climate agreement is not the boogeyman ... Technically, it is not a treaty, so its adoption did not require U.S. Senate approval. It works as a binding but voluntary program.