“CBS Mornings” co-host Gayle King, in her live coverage of the inauguration of President Donald Trump, said: “I have to say, I’m looking at this crowd, I do not see many people of color. Does any — ...
As part of a torrent of decisions he issued hours after taking office, President Donald Trump declared that the name of ...
The Supreme Court has already affirmed the original meaning of the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Now the ...
This effort to end birthright citizenship is just Trump tossing red meat to MAGA. None of it is going to actually happen.
Don Jr. soft-launched his breakup with longtime fiancée Guilfoyle by publicly holding hands with Anderson during a romantic night out ...
Cecile Richards, the former head of Planned Parenthood and founder of the women’s political action group Supermajority, died ...
Like clockwork, when Democrats get desperate, they trot out disingenuous populist rhetoric to try to save themselves.