From eyes the size of a dinner plate to 360-degree vision, these animals boast extraordinarily efficient ways ... these horsefly males have two different sized ommatidia (the photoreceptor units that ...
Huskies are famous for their striking, almond-shaped blue eyes that convey intelligence and a deep, soulful connection with their owners. Chameleons have unique, swivelling eyes that can move ...
Another animal that is considered to have really beautiful eyes is the Tree frog. They have large, bulbous eyes that come in many different colours, and the most striking and unique are red ...
We call this kind of eye a compound eye, and because all the little lenses point in different directions, animals that have them are very good at detecting movement – especially of big things ...
The presence of the tapetum can be observed at night when a pair of glowing eyes reflects back a flashlight or some other light source. (Interestingly, different animals have different color ...
Bullfrogs are known for their unique sleeping habits too. These amphibians can sleep with their eyes open and even appear to be awake while resting. Unlike other animals, bullfrogs don’t have ...
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) ...