Watch the behind-the-scenes video below: For more information about Epic Universe, check out our closer look at the newly released concept art and information about Celestial Park.
MANILA, Philippines — Manila Vice Mayor Yul Servo is back for a solo exhibit in Manila Hotel, featuring Chinese temples on wall-mounted metal art in time for the upcoming Chinese New Year.
"This may be reshaping how we think about the Universe, and it's exciting! There are still surprises left in cosmology, and who knows what discoveries will come next?" This research was published in ...
Learn more. Please also consider subscribing to WIRED It's totally understandable if you haven’t opened Apple Maps since its disastrous launch in 2012, which among other things saw people ...
New research suggests that dark energy isn't needed to explain the acceleration in the expansion of the universe — instead suggesting giant voids in space are creating an illusion. When you ...
What is the structure of our physical reality? Physicists have long imagined space and time interweaving into “space-time”, the metaphorical fabric that underlies the cosmos. But there may be ...
Hubble’s finding fundamentally altered humanity’s understanding of the cosmos, revealing a universe far larger and more complex than previously imagined. He demonstrated that Andromeda was roughly 20 ...
The Hubble tension grows: new data shows the Universe’s expansion defies current physics models, suggesting our understanding of cosmology may need a major overhaul. Credit: New ...
UK weather maps are predicting a 400-mile snow storm could affect huge swathes of England - including Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire. According to WXCHARTS' maps, aided by Metdesk data ...