Now at 16, Toby has secured a $1m deal with Silicon Valley investors for an AI platform he has built, Beem. Toby has ...
If you’re currently studying, the best way to do this is to ask your school or college. Alternatively, you can choose to sit your GCSEs as a private candidate. To do this, you just need to contact ...
GCSE exam season is fast approaching – here's everything you need to know about the upcoming exams and when they take place ...
Her eldest, Year 11 student Martha, said teachers at the school seemed upset, adding: "Obviously GCSEs are really tough as it ...
Negar Rezaei called four different schools asking for a place when her family first settled in Lancashire, but was repeatedly ...
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After proposed redundancies and curriculum cuts, Martha fears for the future of education at her school A GCSE student has told of fears for her school's future, amid "immense" financial pressure ...
The combination of poorly developed social and cognitive skills during childhood is linked to poor exam results by the age of 16, with those for whom ...
Arsenal teenagers have been close friends since playing together in Under-9s – and senior team are now profiting from their ...
This topic appears in OCR, Edexcel, AQA, WJEC KS4/GCSE in England and Wales, CCEA GCSE in Northern Ireland and SQA National 4/5 in Scotland. Christina's and James' life experiences have left them ...
The government's removal of the requirement for GCSE-level maths and English for apprenticeships has been welcomed by Hyndburn Council's ...