The BBC has announced a new spin-off series from the hit sitcom Motherland, centring on the character of Amanda. Titled Amandaland, the show will see Lucy Punch reprise her role as the self ...
MANILA, Philippines — The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has exempted more than 1,100 individuals and members of security agencies, among others, from the nationwide election gun ban. The gun ban ...
For centuries, stargazers have watched a new star light up in the sky. Just days later, it vanishes. But a precise deep space prediction is difficult. "We’re waiting for a 'new' star to briefly ...
It's also worth noting that the newest Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series Lego set, the 3,942-piece Jabba's Sail Barge from Return of the Jedi, is now available at major retailers, including Amazon.