More clarity is needed on some aspects, he says. "Sebi has not given any clarity on platforms other than social media. If I am able to bring people, let's say on a Zoom platform or if I am able to ...
CAMS, a leader in India's mutual fund RTA sector, dominates the market with a 68% share. Its strong financials, growth in ...
This indicates that the revenue growth has come as a result of higher spending on payments processing charges ... which would put its annual income in the ballpark of INR 5,300 Cr So in effect ...
Mukherjee’s revenue from jewellery was Rs150-175 crore last year, with handbag sales alone just above Rs60 crore (more than most big designers’ annual turnover ... brands in support and showmanship.
Nithin Kamath, CEO of Zerodha, has raised concerns about fake apps mimicking financial institutions, urging RBI for stricter countermeasures. He praised RBI's new '' domain but called for ...
Lenders charge you with annual fees on your credit card which you have to pay annually as part of your bill statement. Let us understand how you can get the best deals on credit card annual fees.
Zerodha CEO Nithin Kamath elucidates SEBI’s ... Marketplaces, where people share algos for a fee, can’t publish strategies without exchange registration as well as an RA license.
Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations. Although some commonly-held credit cards don’t charge an annual fee, other popular cards charge hundreds of dollars per year.
More than half of leaseholders are paying more each year on their service charge than they do on council tax, new analysis has revealed. The average annual service charge bill for a flat in ...
The best no-annual-fee cards can offer competitive rewards programs, intro 0% APR periods and low interest rates. Depending on your spending habits, they could provide more value than a premium ...