Researchers believe an ancient shrine or worship site in Hawaii acted “as a sophisticated seasonal calendar.” The heiau, as it’s known in Hawaiian, was reconstructed in 2007 and dates to the early to ...
Whether you’re a “comeya” or a “beenya,” if you were a kid in the 90s, you probably know a thing or two about Gullah Geechee ...
At 100 years old, Dick Jessor remembers the moments when he and his fellow Marines landed on Iwo Jima and the hope he felt ...
On this day in 1945, six U.S. Marines raised the American flag over the island of Iwo Jima on the fourth day of what would ...
U.S. Marines raised an American flag on the Japanese island’s highest peak exactly 80 years ago. But the fighting, some of ...
On the left is a replica of a torture box with nails in which an inmate was placed and shaken to inflict pain. On the right ...