The Kodi Etram or Flag Raising Ceremony was held in all kovils on Sunday 2nd February this week to mark the start of a 10-day ...
Moody’s has downgraded the outlook for Mauritius from Stable to Negative, but maintained its sovereign rating at Baa3. The ...
Fiscal measures** According to Moody’s comments, dated 16 December 2024, the Government should run a primary fiscal balance to reduce the public debt to GDP ratio, and demonstrate the effective ...
Introduction** The unprecedented constant changes that are reshaping our daily life impose challenges that our policymakers cannot disregard. Never before have we lived in such a technologically ...
If you walk along the main road of Ecroignard, you cannot miss the tailor’s shop of Atma Appadoo. It’s like hundreds of ...
Roche-Bon-Dieu, the village of Maxime Larose, reinforces his faith in what he does. At first encounter, one would say Maxime Larose is a typical Rodriguan farmer cultivating crops and keeping a ...
L’île Maurice est mondialement connue pour ses lagons cristallins et ses vents idéaux pour le kitesurf. Aujourd’hui, une ...
Les ateliers FamKapav, organisés dans le cadre de #ennPartaz, visent à encourager et valoriser la participation des femmes à ...
Les invectives ont fusé dans l’hémicycle en cette fin d’après-midi entre le Premier ministre adjoint et le leader de ...
Une vidéo montrant l’influenceur controversé Tasha Lamour en train d’être violemment agressé par un individu a fait le tour ...
Le Suisse Marco Odermatt a été sacré champion du monde de super-G vendredi à Saalbach, en Autriche, son 3e titre mondial et ...