Bird flu cases are still rising in the U.S. as the virus continues to devastate poultry farms. More than 145 million chickens, ducks, turkeys and other fowl have been slaughtered across the United ...
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Pemerintah AS mendeteksi jenis virus flu burung H5N1 yang menginfeksi sapi perah di negara bagian ...
Sapi perah di Nevada telah terinfeksi jenis flu burung baru yang berbeda dari versi yang telah menyebar pada hewan ternak AS ...
SURYA.CO.ID, SURABAYA - Varian baru virus Avian Influenza (AI) atau flu burung kini menjangkiti mamalia, termasuk sapi perah dan kucing, membuat para pakar kesehatan hewan khawatir. Virus ini, ...
Nasir berjanji akan terus memberikan informasi mengenai perkembangan indikasi penularan virus flu burung ini sebagai bentuk kewaspadaan kepada masyarakat. “Termasuk hasil uji laboratorium lanjutan ...
"Although data shows we are moving past the peak of the respiratory illness wave this season, many people in Jefferson County — and nationwide — are still getting sick from viruses like flu ...
Flu, or influenza, is a contagious respiratory infection caused by various flu viruses. Symptoms include muscle aches and soreness, headache, and fever. These symptoms often go away within four ...
When schools reopen, children returning from various neighbourhoods and regions after the break are more likely to carry and spread the flu virus, leading to rise in cases, professionals emphasised.
A subtype of bird flu caused by avian influenza A (H5) virus has been spreading worldwide in wild birds with a few outbreaks in poultry, dairy cows and other mammals across the United States ...