When you go through a computer science program at a university you learn a variety of things. I took classes on databases, networking, compilers, data structures and several classes on ...
This deluge of digital data is known as big data. Data is growing because it is increasingly being gathered by inexpensive and numerous information‐sensing, mobile devices and because the world ...
This course is the third in a three part series. You could think of the project in this course as the capstone or the project for the earlier two courses, Applications of Software Architecture for Big ...
See How It Works for details. The course is intended for individuals looking to understand the architecture patterns necessary to take large software systems that leverage big data to production. You ...
Terabytes are so yesterday. Today, we're talking petabytes and exabytes. That is Big Data and it's invaluable to companies everywhere. The problem is, there aren't enough people who know how to mine ...
The Super Bowl marks a major moment for co-viewing but it’s not the only TV programming people watch together.
Big data engineering company dbt Labs Inc. today ... The company’s technology is built with the Rust programming language and it’s already natively integrated with dbt, enabling the instant ...