Even the less precious books, published since 1870 ... that if you stood for long enough on the steps of the Old Library [of the Bodleian],” he observed, “you would meet everyone in your ...
The ancient scroll, which looks like a lump of charcoal, was charred by the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD. It's ...
Investigation further revealed that the Queen’s friend and close confidante, Madame Campan, considered it to be the portrait ...
NEW YORK • Fox News Channel has hired the president's daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, to be host of a new weekend show that will debut later this month. Trump was a contributor who made appearances on ...
Scientists have digitally "unwrapped" a 2,000-year-old charred scroll from the Roman town of Herculaneum - providing the first glimpse inside the ancient document since it was buried by Mount Vesuvius ...
David Vaisey CBE was Bodleian Librarian for a decade having originally been a student reading Modern History at the university's Exeter College. The 89-year-old passed away on Wednesday ...
The library of what is called the Villa of the ... the inside of one of the three scrolls held at Oxford University’s Bodleian Library. University of Kentucky computer scientist Brent Seales ...