A twin study suggests the consequences of getting a tattoo could be worse than potential regret, finding tattooed twins more ...
A research team analysed data from thousands of twins and found that people with tattoos were more likely to have skin and ...
President Trump named D.J. Daniel, a 13-year-old with terminal brain cancer, a Secret Service agent during his address to ...
Zuratti and Margolis said their idea for anesthesia-assisted tattooing was born from Zuratti’s own lengthy and painful ...
As an art student in her 20s, Ms Lea (not her real name) was fascinated by Japanese paintings. One day, she bought a tattoo machine online for under $80 to ink The Great Wave Off Kanagawa on the ...
A BRAVE Colchester woman has spoken about the heartbreaking moment she was told she had breast cancer at just 28 years old. Annabel Towns learned she had stage three breast cancer after ...
"So dimpling can be a sign of breast cancer, and it is an important one and sometimes it is the only symptom." Fraser said dimpling is an easy sign to spot, as it is visible, so many women notice ...
A Texas woman who was treated with an experimental form of cancer therapy as a toddler has broken records and been in remission for nearly two decades. In 2006 at the age of four, she was ...
The woman is likely “the longest-surviving patient with cancer who received CAR-T therapy,” the paper notes. “Encouragingly, she has subsequently had two full-term pregnancies with normal ...
A woman who received chimeric antigen receptor (CAR ... in which 19 children with neuroblastoma, a nerve-cell cancer, were treated with infusions of first-generation CARs targeting GD2. Although 12 ...
“What we now are trying to focus on is understanding why does it work in some patients and why [it] doesn’t work in others,” said Dr Karin Straathof (UCL Cancer Institute) on a childhood neuroblastoma ...
The girl was four years old when she arrived at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston to receive a highly experimental therapy for nerve-cell cancer. Standard treatments had been unable to hold ...