One major category of the next generation of energy-efficient microelectronic devices and information processing technologies ...
A completely made-up scientific term is making the rounds in academic journals, and instead of being "oops!" one major ...
When all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And when you’ve got a scanning electron microscope, everything must look like a sample that would be really, really interesting ...
This February marks the second year of the MIT class “Coffee Matters: Using the Breakerspace to Make the Perfect Cup.” ...
A new study led by Rice University materials scientist Lane Martin sheds light on how the extreme miniaturization of thin ...
Rhobo6, a light microscopy probe, gives scientists an unprecedented look at the extracellular matrix -- the collection of organized molecular structures that fills the spaces between cells in our ...
By reexamining 3D images used to map the connections between brain cells, researchers are uncovering new information about a small, elusive, and often overlooked cellular appendage.
Simple node module to download the ChromeDriver version for Electron. You can set the ELECTRON_MIRROR or NPM_CONFIG_ELECTRON_MIRROR environment variables to use a ...