Sipping on a warm cup of ginger tea isn’t just about hydration; it’s about honoring the plants and the healing they offer. Teas made from plants like rooibos and cerasee (bitter melon plant ...
Her freshly brewed dill or peppermint tea would calm an upset stomach, while a small amount of swallowed Papaya seeds were promised to help keep parasites away. It was also mandatory that cerasee ...
A new study found that tea leaves naturally absorb heavy metals, filtering dangerous contaminants from drinking water Getty Brewing tea can remove a significant amount of toxic heavy metals from ...
Tea has been cherished for centuries across cultures, and for good reason. As a dietitian, I’ve often found that many people underestimate just how impactful the benefits of tea can be.
Rooibos tea is a type of herbal tea that is rich in antioxidants. It is thought to be associated with several health benefits, such as boosting heart health. However, further research is still ...
Green tea’s properties, including caffeine and various polyphenols, may offer beneficial effects on weight, waist circumference, and body mass index (BMI) in some people. Manufacturers make ...
Matcha tea is a kind of green tea. It may be good for your heart, weight, and other aspects of health due to its antioxidant content. It’s also easy to incorporate into your diet. Matcha is ...
Green tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Though all varieties of tea come from the same plant, green tea is considered the healthiest because of how it is processed. Adding ...