Less common white bump causes worth noting are: Flat warts: “These small, skin-colored bumps are caused by specific strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV),” says Dr. McTighe. “While less common on ...
With a bit of training we should all be able to do it - although just one percent of the population are believed to be skilled in the trend ...
A lump from a blocked milk duct is a common problem while breastfeeding. You may develop a blocked duct for no apparent reason. Or, it may be due to a number of factors including: your baby isn ...
What is Known About the Estrogen Deficiency of Menopause & Specific Autoimmune Diseases It is known that many natural, pathological and therapeutic conditions can change serum estrogen levels ...
Give some water to drink. If swallowed easily, give bread to eat. Reason: if bread becomes hung up, enzymes found in saliva (spit) can dissolve it. If child swallows bread and water well, a normal ...
A blood stain on the sheet may sometimes be found. This is from a bug smashed after feeding. The skin bumps are the body's reaction to the bug's saliva. While the bug is sucking blood, some of its ...
In some cases, though, a medical condition or an injury can lead to a cold nose. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid (a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck) is underactive and produces too few ...