Facing tough situations is an inevitable part of life, but how we handle them can make a huge difference in our mental well-being.
As healthcare costs rise and pressure mounts to improve employee health and well-being, consider these criteria for new ...
Stirling has a school counselling service across seven high schools. Fully qualified counsellors are either employed by ...
Stress has become a part of our lives. This can be non negotiable and draining. From work deadlines to relationship ...
We talk about mental health more than ever—but are we listening? When awareness campaigns flatten nuance and amplify distress, we need to rethink our approach.
For example ... continue to occur across the nation, mental health experts are emphasizing the importance of proactive preparation—both individually and as communities. This includes developing ...
If you or someone you know has been impacted by the wildfires, I hope you will find these coping strategies taken ... spiritual advisor, or mental health professional. Assess your limits.
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta’s Jody Baumstein, a Strong4Life licensed therapist, says parents should be proactive in supporting their kids’ mental health, especially during the month of ...
For all the fine words about the importance of looking after our mental health ... can be catastrophic; health worsens, and people all too often resort to coping strategies that lead to addiction ...
What I’m calling political distress is a bipartisan mental health ... on coping. As I discuss in my book “Finding Goldilocks,” the well-known invocation identifies two basic strategies ...
A new study of breast cancer survivors has found this psychosocial challenge impacts almost every important domain of their lives -- the emotional, behavioral, cognitive, relational and professional.