Protected underneath that covering is an insect with what we call piercing/sucking mouthparts. As they live under the hard shell, they are free to feed upon your plant. A few of these insects is not a ...
The best practices for when to prune depends on the plant species and your hardiness zone. We talked to plant ... "Plants like crape myrtles and abelias that typically flower after May form ...
Defensible landscape design consists of multiple layers, each with specific guidelines and recommendations for different zones of your ... coast live oaks, crape myrtles, American agaves, mat ...
Is there an effective treatment for crape myrtle bark scale? It’s not as bad as it was a few years ago, but I’d like to ...
By Amy-Lynn Albertson N.C. Cooperative Extension Crape myrtles are cherished for their eye-catching blooms and elegant shapes ...
Dear Neil: Is there an effective treatment for crape myrtle bark scale ... but they gradually grow up and out of the soil. Erosion is very seldom a factor. My suggestion is always that we learn ...
Dear Neil: We have moved our rural fencing and my wife now wants to take five crape myrtles out ... just about lost all that pigmentation. This plant is in serious decline. I looked closely ...
Zachary has been awarded a $10,000 beautification grant to support a tree-planting initiative aimed at enhancing public spaces, a news release announced.
Choose the crape myrtles variety that at maturity will be the right size for the location. My husband wants to plant crape myrtle trees on the side of the house. I want them, but I do not want ...