The image is a time projection of mitochondria (in the cytoplasm, grey) and chromosomes (center of the cell, orange) during anaphase showing a flow pattern with vortexes. The flow pattern is aligned ...
Our results thus suggest that a pool of cytoplasmic Nups exists that contributes to the ... and drive their localization to the NE during early interphase likely through a dynein- and ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. As a common cause of liver cirrhosis, ...
This basic mechanism linked to the asymmetric distribution of the two nucleotide-bound forms of Ran between the nucleus and the cytoplasm generates a switch like mechanism controlling ...
4A). In this model, the molecules of mRNAs in the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments are described, respectively, The experiment in this study was conducted at the early stage of infection (up to ...