This consisted of life-size figures of various individuals who have played a significant role in the development of ...
The Center is situated overlooking the beach at the point where Jaffa joins Tel-Aviv and where young Shimon Persky (later ...
What does it look like to navigate Purim in the Court of Trump? Queens Vashti and Esther present different models.
Zionism, Prof. Yitzhak Conforti shows, represents a continuation of an ethnic Jewish community that sustained its ...
Israel’s expansionist ambitions continue to drive the erasure of Palestine, raising the critical question: Can the US and ...
In his desperation for diplomatic support, the Israeli leader is cosying up to xenophobes and antisemites across Europe and ...
Israelis have been arrested on suspicion of spying for Iran, prompting speculation about why they were open to overtures from ...
This is without doubt one of the best biographies to have been written about David Ben-Gurion ... reading for anyone who wants to understand Ben-Gurion and Israel during its formative years. The book ...
Shlomo Sand, a historian at Tel Aviv University, boldly challenges the very foundation of Israel’s national ideology in his ...
Part Biblical myth part Zionist delusion, the idea of a belligerent Greater Israel is the Zionist strategy, and also its last ...