THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Philippine ex-President Rodrigo Duterte landed Wednesday in the Netherlands a day after he was arrested in Manila on an International Criminal Court warrant accusing him ...
MANILA - Former President Rodrigo Duterte has arrived in The Hague, the Netherlands and is now in the custody of the ...
The former Philippine president is the first former leader from Asia to face charges at the International Criminal Court.
Philippine ex-president Duterte is heading to The Hague to face ICC charges linked to 'war on drugs' - Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is being flown to the Netherlands to face an Internat ...
Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is en route to The Hague following his arrest on an International Criminal Court ...
A plane carrying the former president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, has left Manila after the International Criminal ...
De Filipijnse oud-president Rodrigo Duterte heeft het Filipijnse luchtruim verlaten, heeft president Ferdinand Marcos jr.
Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has been put on a plane to The Hague following his arrest on an International ...
Het Internationaal Gerechtshof (ICJ, International Court of Justice) in Den Haag heeft een verzoek van Guyana erkend om ...
Het aantal gemelde autobranden in Rotterdam is de afgelopen vijf jaar met gemiddeld 4 procent per jaar gegroeid. Afgelopen ...
Vooral seksisme hield het werk van Japanse fotografes lang uit de schijnwerpers. Het is minstens zo rijk als dat van hun ...
Vanaf 1 maart start de rechtbank in Rotterdam met een nieuwe manier van het behandelen van kleine geschillen. De zogenoemde ...