Sophisticated birdsong follows strict grammatical rules, much like human sentences. But what happens when birds can't hear ...
In 1799, during his explorations along the Orinoco River, German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt â€œstayed with a local ...
Just like ChatGPT and other generative language models train on human texts to create grammatically correct sentences, a new ...
Musicians Northern Cardinals and Song Thrushes Among the earliest risers in North America, Northern Cardinals often begin ...
Roger Pasquier explains how birds spend the quiet half of their lives even when they're flying and half their brain is awake ...
Using spatial transcriptomics and mathematical modeling, the researchers found that the neurons responsible for sensory processing in birds and mammals are formed using different sets of genes.
The different strain, D1.1, was recently found in cattle for the first time. Bird flu is continuing to spread across the U.S., and experts say they are "concerned" as public health officials ...