Looking ahead, I hope to contribute to shaping the next generation of mathemati- cians and scientists addressing some of ...
Prof. Dan Shechtman of the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology made the discovery that would later earn him the 2011 ...
The dual degree program in Mathematics and Industrial Engineering at Gallaudet University and Rochester Institute of ...
The authors achieve gate-controlled proximitization of a quantum dot in a planar germanium heterostructure, an isotopically purifiable group IV material. A patterned Pt germanosilicide ...
Modern applications such as machine learning and large-scale optimization require the next big step, "matrix calculus" and calculus on arbitrary vector spaces. This class covers a coherent approach to ...
I have weekly meetings with my supervisor, not just discussing the research but also how I'm feeling mentally and what I am doing to prepare myself for the future. It’s an all-round package of making ...
It found that for kids in childcare below 35 to 40 hours a week – or seven to eight hours a day across a five-day week – the more hours they attended childcare, the higher their maths and ...
Artist, writer and actor Brook Tate said he had suffered from a "deep fear of maths" From simple to complex equations, maths can be stressful for anyone who finds it confusing. One artist believes ...
Mathematical Sciences at Durham offers a unique blend of high-quality teaching and research in Applied & Computational Mathematics, Mathematical & Theoretical Physics, Pure Mathematics, Probability, ...
You’ll have the chance to produce work that makes an original contribution to the field of mathematics and its applications. You have a wide range of topics to choose from, including combinatorics, ...