The pandemic caused an overall decrease in the rates of the 10 most common ophthalmic procedures performed in 2020 when ...
Thermal pulsation therapy delivered after cataract surgery can help address postoperative dry eye disease symptoms.
The NHS is celebrating 75 years of cataract surgery, an operation which helps restore vision. The operation involves removing a lens - a small transparent disc inside the eye - that has become cloudy ...
Our pets tend to have the same issues we humans have and there’s help to make sure they can see well into old age.
Occasionally, treatments come along that are of greater interest to patients than to doctors.Drops for treating presbyopia ...
Our vision declines as we age leading to the development of various eye conditions such as presbyopia cataracts and glaucoma ...
Krupa Mistry, advanced clinical hospital optometrist at St Thomas’ Hospital, on specialising in cornea and cataracts and ...
Int Ophthalmol Clin. 2016;56(2):102-111.
AI has quietly revolutionized the field of ophthalmology.While the concept of AI may evoke futuristic images of robots and automation, the reality is that many of us have been integrating AI into our ...
Sonia H. Yoo, MD, a cornea, cataract, and refractive surgery specialist and a member of the planning committee for the ...