Trinidad and To­ba­go is be­gin­ning to reap the ben­e­fits of Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley’s vis­it to Ghana, as the West African coun­try re­cent­ly gift­ed T&T with ten thou­sand yam seeds.
A UCO team has applied the genome editing technique, which garnered a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020, to unravel the ...
Up to that 9.4% of Earth's terrestrial ecosystems face potential transformation by 2050 due to changes in tropical cyclone activity. In their study, Chahan M. Kropf and colleagues from ETH Zurich show ...
Researchers in the group of Dr. Myriam Charpentier discovered a mutation in a gene in the legume Medicago truncatula that reprograms the signaling capacity of the plant so that it enhances ...
Promoting mutually beneficial relationships between plants and soil microbes that enhance nutrient acquisition by plants could improve crop production without increasing inorganic-fertilizer use.
Significant gene variants were found in the loci DRD2, FURIN, and CYP7B1, which play a part in neuroinflammation, neurosteroid synthesis, and synaptic function.
This week, Columbia University scientists and their colleagues published a peer-reviewed study in Nature that unveils an AI foundation model capable of predicting gene activity across many ...
The first human trial of insulin-producing cells that have been gene-edited to evade immune attack is a success so far. The cells have survived and produced insulin for a month after being ...
Salk Institute researchers have debuted the first comprehensive gene expression atlas of the plant periderm at the single-cell level. The atlas provides new information about the different kinds ...
Scientists led by a team at Columbia University have trained a model to predict how the genes inside a cell will drive its behavior, which could be a powerful tool with the potential to broaden ...
“In nature, plants are constantly being attacked and require a well-functioning immune system,” says Professor Joseph Ecker, senior author of the study, Salk International Council Chair in Genetics, ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Fiber consumption influences health by affecting gene function through epigenetic changes. Short-chain fatty acids, produced during fiber digestion, directly ...