communication, compilation, computation orchestration, and so forth. Researchers need to be aware that software engineering is not only about getting the code right but also involves architectural, ...
Project description: Leveraged Industry funding as part of the awarded EPSRC Industrial CASE (ICASE) Training Grant (Industrial CASE Account) The project will explore theoretical and experimental ...
The Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering focuses on topics like microwave engineering, chip technology and sensor technology. The Department of Information and Communications Engineering ...
The shift toward the electrification of vehicles and the expansion of the electrical grid for renewable energy integration has led to a considerable increase in the demand for power electronics ...
It’s impossible to imagine a world without electronic and electrical engineering. It covers everything from ... required to understand the technologies and constraints of wireless communications and ...
All our degree programmes have a common first and second year covering material fundamental to electronic and electrical engineering. You can make a choice between remaining on the BEng or switching ...
Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering (ELE) conducts research and arranges related courses in the fields of electromagnetics, micro and nanotechnology, radio engineering, and space technology ...