The list of 2025 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction nominations includes Chubby Checker, Billy Idol, Bad Company, The Black Crowes, Cyndi Lauper and more.
Explore what's behind the lyrics of "Wonderwall" as we uncover the song that attracts millions. Find the themes and stories that made it an iconic hit.
Kanye's most recent tweetstorm was so wild that someone looked at the chaos and thought, "Yep, this needs a banjo." In true ...
Choosing the best acoustic guitar for your personal needs is a tough one. With so many options on offer these days it’s not surprising that many find themselves faced with option paralysis when ...
Mark Morton, guitarist and songwriter for the platinum-selling band Lamb of God, has released his powerful new track “Brother ...
Game Rant chats with Rift of the NecroDancer developers about the monsters and music of this long-awaited rhythm game follow-up.
Young students from across Windsor and Essex County are discovering the world of classical music. Continuing its educational concert series under the leadership of assistant conductor Geoffrey ...
Emotional exhaustion can arise when someone experiences a period of excessive stress in their work or personal life. Doctors may recommend lifestyle changes, therapy, and medication to manage ...
For a few moments, my body and mind were coursing with the collective emotional ... chord progressions myself, and soon I could even “chart” simple songs on my own. I began taking guitar ...
This opportunity is for Year 12 students from the North East of England. Supported Progression (SP) is part of Durham's summer school programmes to support students who are typically underrepresented ...
This is the foundation of emotional intelligence. Self-aware leaders understand their own emotions and how these emotions affect their actions and decisions. They are in tune with their strengths ...