Blackbeard may be the world’s most famous pirate, but throughout history there have been many legendary buccaneers who also deserve recognition for their rebellious, criminal antics. Most of what we ...
The Brethren Court in the films mirrors the real-life Brethren of the Coast, with characters inspired by famous pirates like Zheng Yi Sao. As one of Walt Disney's most well-known franchises ...
3. Who’s afraid of big bad Blackbeard? Some historians argue that there is little evidence that Blackbeard was a particularly violent pirate and, instead, relied on his ferocious appearance to ...
Today there are two stories about this famous female pirate, a real one anchored in facts and another story many believe is true but isn’t. The embellished story is the one that Hollywood and ...
who wrote several episodes of Troubles-based Disney+ drama ‘Say Nothing’, is set to write the story of Ireland’s Grace O’Malley - one of the most famous pirates of all time. Sheridan is a ...