Whether you’re trying to lose a few pounds or add some weight, smart scales that sync data to the iPhone and iPad can be a fun and useful way to keep an eye on your metrics. If you want to ...
“I really had fun doing it and it got me thinking, what if we made a record with guitars or strings… or both? Lou Reed era maybe, I dunno just saying,” Charli said in a video re-posted by a ...
It’s time to embrace the chord symbol.Your experience with chord symbols will likely be informed by the instrument that you play.Notable devotees include guitarists, who sometimes use a symbol format ...
Sir John Major has warned that democracy is under threat ... including Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which started in 2022. Shortly after the war began, he and another former prime ...
The Chelsea Low End Fuzz Driver is a three-knob fuzz with a tone bypass switch and it sounds pretty awesome for bass and guitar alike ...