WARNING: This story contains profanity and details and images of swastikas.Marlene Greyeyes had just wrapped up meetings at ...
Russian media outlets, Telegram channels, and bots on X are spreading a photo that allegedly was taken in a city in the U.S.
Police are investigating the discovery of swastikas and hate-filled phrases, including “normalize hate,” scrawled in chalk ...
Law enforcement is investigating two acts of vandalism against El Paso synagogues where a sign was spray painted with a ...
British Columbia's Indigenous relations minister is condemning "racist vandalism" of a Treaty 8 Tribal Association office in Fort St. John ...
(photo credit: SCREENSHOTS VIA INSTAGRAM AND VIA X ... the graffiti in question includes the phrase “F— Gaza” stencilled in an English font resembling Hebrew letters. Another stencil ...
The owner of the vehicle said that, following the recent controversy surrounding the tech billionaire, the incident was unlikely to be a ‘coincidence’ ...
The moment that local officials in Washington have been dreading for months is finally here. President Donald Trump, one ...
2016, book and vinyl letters under resin, 20.5 x 26.5 cm French artist Rero is celebrated ... I have a team to do graffiti. In Lisbon, we did a big installation close to the bridge.