Discrete math is one of the oldest branches of mathematics, with a direct line of descent from problems studied in the most ancient mathematical texts. It includes number theory, the study of patterns ...
Discrete Mathematics plays an important role in explaining key concepts ... recurrence and recursive programming, and how graphs relate to efficient algorithms. No credit for Math or CS majors.
Graphs are everywhere. In discrete mathematics, they are structures that show the connections between points, much like a public transportation network. Mathematicians have long sought to develop ...
Introduces students to ideas and techniques from discrete mathematics that are widely used in science ... recurrences and elementary graph theory. Other selected topics may also be covered. Requisites ...
Presents propositional logic, combinatorics, methods of proof, mathematical systems, algebra of sets, matrix algebra, relations and functions, recursion and generating functions, applications to ...
Stacho eds., Special issue of Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics 2006, A meeting in celebration of Pavol Hell’s 60th birthday, Vol. 309, 2009. D. Kral, J-S. Sereni, L. Stacho, Min-max relations for ...
Her research interests include combinatorial designs and graph decompositions. Keranen also enjoys teaching students at all levels, and regularly teaches several courses in discrete mathematics. J.
This course will discuss fundamental concepts and tools in discrete mathematics with emphasis on their applications ... trees and more general graphs. DETAILED COURSE TOPICS: All sections will deal ...
It is commonly believed that vertex-transitive graphs (and in particular Cayley graphs) tend to contain hamilton cycles. The only known connected vertex-transitive graphs without hamilton cycles are K ...
This is a course covering a number of concepts and techniques of discrete mathematics. Topics covered: Counting: selections; inclusion-exclusion; generating functions; recurrence relations. Graph ...