Professional and clinical workers at UR Medicine Home Care have voted to authorize a strike after going nine months without reaching a contract agreement.
Veterans Affairs Secretary Doug Collins has held the job for just five days, but he has already swiftly embraced President ...
We feel like we want to be there when they need us, the same level of service that all other industries do,” a Connecticut ...
After more than three months without coverage, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona and Phoenix Children's Hospital reached a ...
The rules prevent a health system from pushing dismissed doctors out of town and keeping patients in the dark, but critics ...
Customers of MedRide, a non-emergent medical transportation (NEMT) service, opened the company's website on Friday to find Medicaid transportation is "temporarily unavailable." ...
The VA, the largest civilian federal agency, is taking the offer off the table for hundreds of thousands of its employees.
In Pennsylvania, state budget makers recently unveiled the scale of that miscalculation, with Gov. Shapiro proposing an increase of $2.5 billion in Medicaid spending in the next fiscal year.
Data suggests that when mental health providers are tracking outcomes, remission rates are higher and patients are more ...
The County of Santa Barbara is set to approve a new Exclusive Ambulance Provider agreement during its Feb. 11 meeting that ...
The Albany Med Health System and insurance company CDPHP have reached a new contract agreement after months of negotiation ...
Therapists and union reps accuse the HMO giant of saddling workers with excessive caseloads while forcing patients to wait ...