The revolutionary BiVACOR heart device was moved to Phase 2 of FDA trials after success in five human patients.
SGLT2 inhibitors were associated with better cardioprotective effects among older adults than younger adults with type 2 diabetes.
A new study, authored by KBH Professor Jan Inge Henter and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, has investigated ...
If validated prospectively, the findings could be ‘transformative’ for patients with no current medical options.
• Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1) (medicines used to lower blood glucose) probably reduce the risk of death due to any cause but may have little or no death due to a heart attack in ...
The deaths are also partly the result of medical successes: People are living longer, and more people are surviving heart ...
A new study found that a drug recently approved to treat type 2 diabetes and kidney disease in patients with additional ...