The Israeli army confirmed Tuesday that it fired two interceptor missiles towards "suspicious objects" that turned out to be a false alarm in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights. A military ...
Israeli Army Says Report of Targets in Golan Heights Based on False Identification DUBAI (Reuters) - The Israeli army said on Tuesday an earlier report of suspected aerial targets in the Golan ...
Democrats party chairman Yair Golan said in a press conference on Thursday in Tel Aviv, “There is no choice but to explicitly say the words: There is a suspicion of treason in the Prime Minister ...
Democrats party chairman Yair Golan said in a press conference on Thursday in Tel Aviv, “There is no choice but to explicitly say the words: There is a suspicion of treason in the Prime Minister ...
Labor Party chairman Yair Golan, said "transferring Gazans outside of the Strip is an idea that is anti-Judaism and anti-Zionism, it is imperative to stand against it and ensure that it does not ...
Premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu a anuntat ca intentioneaza sa numeasca dupa Donald Trump o noua colonie israeliana din Inaltimile Golan. Fondatorul WikiLeaks Julian Assange a declarat in fata ...
A UN delegation visited Al-Salam City in the southern Quneitra province in Syria’s occupied Golan Heights on Tuesday after Israeli troop withdrawal from the area. The delegation inspected the ...
Israelul a decis duminică, 15 decembrie, să-şi dubleze populaţia pe Înălţimile Golan ocupate. A transmis în acelaşi timp că ameninţările din partea Siriei au rămas, în ciuda tonului moderat al ...