Indianapolis residents face worsening potholes on East 86th Street. DPW prepares to fill potholes with hot mix asphalt, but ...
INDIANAPOLIS – Spring is almost here and Indianapolis residents say the pothole problems don’t seem to be getting any better.
Indianapolis' Public Works pothole tracker is down due to an IT issue, leaving citizens uncertain about when their potholes will be fixed.
A pothole on I-70 caused a major backup Monday night. Indiana State Police say a semi hauling other semis hit a pothole on ...
It may not feel like it as you swerve to narrowly avoid patches of missing pavement on Meridian Street, but reports of ...
Indianapolis' pothole-ridden roads might see a financial boost under an amended road-funding bill that provides options to ...
A man told police he was trying to avoid a pothole when his car drove off the road, hitting a light pole. His passenger, Simone Pryor, didn't survive.
Old Man Winter, a key scratch and a fizzle in Saudi Arabia disrupted weekend traffic on the Road to the Kentucky Derby, but ...
At 1:47 a.m. Sunday, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police responded ... He was driving home when he swerved to miss a pothole in the road, he told police. That's when the car flipped.
Q: I reported a huge pothole on my street to the Mayor’s Action Center more than a month ago. Can I just fix it myself? A: Your frustration is understandable. At the end of winter in Indianapolis, we ...
Indianapolis allocated $62.6 million to the Department of Public Works for its operations budget, which covers snow removal. The money also covers the city's never-ending fight against potholes, a ...