Amid a proliferation of novel technologies and new media, demand for expertise in intellectual property law has boomed. As new technologies enter the marketplace, they have a huge impact on ...
The concentration in intellectual property law emphasizes information, analytical tools and skills lawyers require in representing clients' intellectual property needs. It offers students the ...
Juris Doctor / Master of Science in Technology, Cybersecurity, and Policy. Offered in conjunction with CU’s Technology, Cybersecurity and Policy Program. Juris Doctor / Master of Business ...
The initiative builds on the comprehensive analysis about the actual enforcement and implementation of intellectual property laws in different parts of the world. In partnership with several ...
The Congressional Innovation Scorecard covers the 116th-118th Senate sessions analyzing lawmakers' bill sponsorship, co-sponsorship and advocacy efforts of intellectual property. "IP-intensive ...
Ranked #5 in the US for Legal Technology (National Jurist), Colorado Law’s faculty includes experts in the core intellectual property subjects of patent, copyright, and trademark law. Our program in ...