Guvernul australian consideră România printre cele mai sigure țări din Europa, cu un nivel de securitate mai ridicat decât în ...
Iranian president calls for solidarity from OPEC Iran says unilateral sanctions on oil would destabilise market OPEC secretary general visits Iran, OPEC says on X DUBAI, Feb 5 (Reuters ...
DUBAI, Feb 5 (Reuters) - Iran is ready to give the United States a chance to resolve disputes between the arch foes, a senior Iranian official told Reuters on Wednesday, a day after President ...
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday if Iran carries out his assassination, advisers will ensure that country is "obliterated." While signing an executive order imposing maximum pressure on ...
President Donald Trump urged Iran to begin negotiating with the U.S. for a "nuclear peace agreement," downplaying the possibility of a devastating military strike on the Islamic nation.
We don't want to be tough on Iran. We don't want to be tough on anybody, but they just can't have *** nuclear Iran. And why say that you're unhappy to sign it if it's Iran and their proxies who ...
Amid news of Iran developing new ballistic missiles and unveiling an underground missile city, we’ll be looking at the truth behind this show of force. With its axes of resistance across the middle ...
"Don't make deals without it." The US president has just maximised his leverage over Iran's government, squeezing it where it hurts most. Oil sales. The move will hurt Iran's economy, already in ...
President Donald Trump denied reports that he is working with Israel to “blow Iran into smithereens” and said, instead, he wants the country to be “great” while calling for a deal that ...
Trump and Netanyahu both agree in not letting Iran obtain nuclear weapons. Getty Images Tuesday’s sitdown between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Trump showed they ...
Mișcarea readuce politica dură a SUA cu privire la Iran pe care Trump a avut-o pe parcursul primului său mandat. Trump l-a acuzat pe predecesorul său democrat, fostul președinte Joe Biden, că a slăbit ...
Trump said he has directed his advisers to retaliate against Iran if the country assassinates him. Federal officials have tracked Iranian threats against Trump and former administration officials ...