Holocaust survivors and their supporters marked the 80th recognition of Soviet Union soldiers liberating Auschwitz on Monday.
How does he envisage his legacy, compared to that of other Herzogs? PRESIDENT ISAAC HERZOG places a note in the Western Wall last Sunday, with a prayer for the well-being of the three hostages ...
Israel's President Isaac Herzog addressed the U.N. on Monday at its annual Holocaust Remembrance Day event. His speech comes ...
President Isaac Herzog and First Lady Michal Herzog began their diplomatic visit to the United States with a significant gesture: a prayer at the resting place of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in Queens ...
Herzog: ‘I want to hear my neighbors say how much they object, regret, condemn and do not accept in any way the terrible ...
Israeli President Isaac Herzog will depart this Sunday, 26 January, for a two-day visit to New York, United States. The President has been invited by the UN Secretary-General to deliver the ...