Armed and Divided Shabbat Thought Torah Portion Beshalach 2025 (revised from previous versions) In the Torah portion this ...
Earlier this week, the Jewish world learned of the passing of Cantor Benzion Miller, one of the greatest voices of his ...
This Shabbat, Parashat Beshallach, is called שַׁבַּת שִׁירָה, Shabbat Shirah, the Shabbat of the Song at the Red Sea.
In the scenic foothills of the Berkshire Mountains at the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center, a group of 96 queer ...
She has profound parallels in the ancient history of the Jewish people.
My shelves are stuffed with books in small-print, not just for the Sabbath, as allegedly were Philip Larkin's. Mine are ...
A special Sabbath festival for open conversations about mental health has been held for north London’s Jewish community in the wake of ...
With movies about nostalgic Algerian families and dysfunctional American ones, the Sacramento Jewish Film Festival starts Feb. 20.
Rashi, explaining the view of Rabbi Nehemiah in the Talmud [1] that they spontaneously sang the song together, says that the Holy Spirit rested on them and miraculously the same words came into their ...
The children’s Torah talks and the men’s heartfelt Shabbat songs underscored their commitment to Jewish life. Lighting Hanukkah candles together was particularly moving; I was honored to ...
People had begun arriving for a Friday night Sabbath Service when the fire broke out at the Satmar V'Yoel Moshe synagogue ...
Recently in our small synagogue in Be’er Yaakov, Shabbat, the place was packed. This is a small building, maybe 60 feet by 40 feet, looks like a pillbox. It is masonry with four windows, steel bars ...