Arsip foto: KA Pandalungan tiba di Stasiun Jember (ANTARA/HO-Humas KAI Jember) Jember, Jawa Timur (ANTARA) - Perjalanan KA Pandalungan relasi Gambir – Jember dan KA Blambangan Ekspres relasi Pasar ...
Itupun tadi petugas tidak memberitahukannya. Padahal saya sudah menunggu lama di sini," katanya, Rabu (22/01/2025). Wahyuni, penumpang KA Pandalungan bersama enam temannya juga mengaku kecewa karena ...
Manajer Hukum dan Humas KAI Daop 9 Jember, Cahyo Widiantoro mengatakan, manfaat pemberlakuan Gapeka yakni efisiensi waktu perjalanan KA. “Prasarana yang semakin baik membuat batas kecepatan kereta api ...
The iron lung, conceptualized in the late 1920s, was most notably the first line of defense against polio during the epidemics that occurred between 1948 to 1955. The device saved the lives of ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - KA Blambangan Ekspres dan KA Pandalungan dikabarkan mengalami keterlambatan menyusul terjadinya banjir di antara Stasiun Gubuk - Stasiun Karangjati tepatnya di daerah Grobogan, ...
Billionaire Li Ka-shing’s port business in Panama said it’s committed to operating in the country, after local authorities launched an audit of the company amid concerns raised by US President ...
LAGU BATAK LILU - Cuplikan Video Klip Lirik Lagu Batak Lilu. Lirik lagu berjudul Lilu (Sugari Hona Tikkam Au) merupakan lagu Batak yang dipopulerkan oleh Jonar Situmorang Ft Lineker Situmorang. TRIBUN ...
The proportion of people who have never smoked being diagnosed with lung cancer is rising, with new research pointing to air pollution as a growing contributor to lung cancer around the world.
Police Chief Skip Holbrook described the killing of Ka'Niyah Baker as "heinous, vicious and monstrous," deferring to Coroner Naida Rutherford, who provided details on how the teen died.
Feb. 6, 2025 — Despite new medication, cystic fibrosis often leads to permanent lung damage. Researchers have discovered that the disease causes changes in the immune system early in life ...
Lung diseases are some of the most common medical conditions in the world. Tens of millions of people have lung disease in the U.S. alone. Smoking, infections, and genes cause most lung diseases.