Computer algorithms can model the universe, matching simulations to observations and revealing the distribution of dark ...
It's a regrettable reality that there is never time to cover all the interesting scientific stories each month. In the past, ...
Researchers have developed high-performance nano-architected materials that have the strength of carbon steel but ...
The microwave-assisted hydrogen production is a promising technology with the capability to decompose H2O into H2 ...
Boston College physicists have discovered a complex landscape of electronic states that can co-exist on a kagome lattice, resembling those in high-temperature superconductors, they reported this fall ...
Scientists from the (MPSD) and MIT have achieved a groundbreaking feat — creating a stable, long-lasting magnetic state in an antiferromagnetic material using only light. This discovery could lead to ...
Superionic materials are a class of materials that simultaneously present properties that are characteristic of solids and ...
A research team from Skoltech and ITMO university has obtained tunable polariton emission at room temperature on CsPbBr3 ...
Now, in a recent study published in Physical Review Letters, Rey and JILA and NIST Fellow James K. Thompson, along with ...
Scientists uncover the source of platinum electrode corrosion, paving the way for cost-effective green hydrogen production ...
Researchers studied how the universe’s structure changed over time. They found that the universe is less clumpy than expected ...
Physics is the search for and application of rules that can help us understand and predict the world around us. Central to physics are ideas such as energy, mass, particles and waves. Physics ...