The college now sends 250 to 300 tons a year to the Vanguard facility, at a cost of $90 per ton. The switch has reduced both ...
Even if you don't have much outdoor space, you can still take advantage of the benefits of composting kitchen scraps with the ...
Collect the acidic liquid, or “bokashi tea" and pour it ... before you bury it in your garden or add it to your outdoor compost bin. Bokashi composting is one of the easiest composting ...
The nutrient-rich liquid that drains during the composting process is also ... Any garden waste such as stems and woody material aren’t suitable to use in this compost bin, if the aim is to produce ...
Choosing the best small outdoor compost bin is not a simple but essential task that you need ... things you’ll get are not just solid compost but also the precious natural liquid fertilizer. If you ...
Window panes, mirrors, light bulbs and tableware are impractical to recycle. Bottles and jars are usually fine. Compact ...
If you haven’t known how to choose the best compost for lawn and what is a suitable one, consider the following options and the rest in this article: If you make a compost bin at home ... What are the ...
Developed in Canada just over 50 years ago, canola is one of our leading agricultural exports, grown by approximately 40,000 ...
Feed plants growing in the ground or in growing bags by adding a liquid tomato feed to the water after the ... If you're using an open compost bin it's unlikely to get hot enough to destroy the blight ...
The USDA recommends sanitizing with a solution of 1 tablespoon of liquid chlorine bleach per ... Our favorite kitchen compost bins are affordable (or free), easy to clean, and may help you keep ...
Gauteng's fly infestation can be blamed on two things; weather temperatures and poor waste management. In recent weeks, ...